There are several things to consider if you are looking to buy shingles for your home. Apart from that, it can be frustrating to try and find all the answers on your own before your shingle your roof. Here are some answers to questions you might have about shingle roofing.
Are you feeling overwhelmed about the infinite options and questions when it comes to shingle your roof? You're not alone.
Asphalt shingles are a broad class of shingles made from fiberglass or felt paper base and then coated with a waterproof layer of asphalt. Most of them are also coated with ceramic granules. On the other hand, architectural shingles are a smaller class of asphalt shingles. These three-dimensional shingles feature a two-ply design. They are aesthetically superior to most types of asphalt shingles, which is why they are preferred by homeowners.
Asphalt shingles will last for about 15 to 25 years before you have to replace them. This is comparable to metal roofs that have been credibly proven to last over 30 years with little maintenance. There are several ways to ensure that your shingles last longer than 15 years. For instance, shingles will last longer if you properly ventilate your attic.
If your attic is not well ventilated, moisture can end up trapped in there, and the wood under the shingles will start swelling and buckling. This leads to premature failure of the shingles. Apart from that, you will also want to ensure that your roof is kept clean. Make sure there are no tree branches hanging over your shingles or scraping against your roof. Once you notice any cracked or curled shingles, replace them immediately. A few defective shingles can cause problems that will affect the entire roof.
When roofing, it is better to ensure that there are no old shingles when you install a new layer. Placing new shingles over old ones when you are roofing is not a good idea. The nails from the old shingles will start backing out, and this will damage the new layer of shingles. Apart from that, you must also consider the weight of a shingle roof. Most roof structures are designed to handle one layer of shingles; adding two causes structural failure.
These questions are answered based on years of roofing experience. In other words, these answers are tried and tested. If you still have more questions about shingles, contact us today for quality advice you can rely on.
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